Virtual Participation
During the Summit there was live streaming of the Opening Remarks, Keynote, Panel Sessions, and Reporting Back from the Topic Groups. Links will soon be placed here to recording of these sessions.
Welcoming Remarks and Keynote
Panel 1: Best Practices in Computer Science Education: Examples from Other States Panel 2: Implementing Computer Science Curricula Panel 3: Developing a 21st Century Workforce Panel 4: Supporting Research and Implementation of Computer Science Education Panel 5: Implementing Computer Science Education in Illinois Panel 6: Achieving CSForAll - Diversity and Inclusion
Summit Summary and Action Items
- Short summary of the Summit: 2019 Illinois Statewide Computer Science Education Summit
Collaborative Planning in Topic Groups
Topic groups worked during the day towards elements of a future State Plan for Computer Science Education using open Google Docs. Links here now connect to closed version of these notes. Processes will soon be developed to move this planning forward in a collaborative and open manner -- check back to this page for information.
Communicate with Summit Attendees
We have a Slack group for the Summit that anyone can join. You can use a Slack client on your laptop or mobile device, or if you don't want to install an app you can also just use a web browser.